Sunday, March 4, 2012

Viu: Dr. Hauschka Rose Day Cream review

For now I've been using Dr. Hauschka Rose Day cream for a while to write a review. It has quite natural ingredients and due to that it does not have a very sweet scent, but that is not a problem for me, 
I have positive opinion about this cream. In Estonia there is -25 and -15 degrees in winter and I have central heating and so on.. All this dries the skin and this cream is perfect for moisturizing heavily. Also after my trip to Canary islands my skin was dry because of tanning and this cream worked well.
Though, if someone has oily/combined skin this cream might be little too heavy, since it is quite greasy. But Dr.Hauschka has also Rose Light day cream if I remeber correctly and also a Meliss cream for combined skin.
It seems like Dr. Hauschka has found its way to the list of my regular beauty products.

Nüüdseks olen ma juba mõnda aega kasutanud Dr.Hauschka Rose Day Cream'i. Dr.Haucshka puhul on tegemist võrdlemisi looduslike toodetega, seega mesimagusat lõhna kreemil pole, aga see ei häiri mind. Minule kreem sobib, eriti kui nahk kuivab mingil põhjusel veidi. Nt minul hakkas suurte miinuskraadidega nahk üpriski kuivama ja pärast Kanaaride reisi oli nahk päiksevõtust kuiv ja see kreem oli väga hea abimees. Kreem on üpriski rasvane, seega rasuse naha jaoks võib see liiga rammus olla. Dr. Hauschkal on Rose sarjast päevakreem eraldi ka kergema variandina (light), kui ma ei eksi. Lisaks peaks olema eraldi melissi kreem kombineeritud nahale.
Paistab, et Dr. Hauschka on leidnud püsiva koha minu riiulis.


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