Sometimes the stars align, and synchronicity engages, and you’ve just blogged about something, and then you go to a presentation that very evening, and the expert lady addresses the very issue that you had been pondering!
Or: the issue is a fairly common talking point, so NBD.
Either way, on the evening of the day that I had posted this, I went to the Dylan Hotel for a presentation hosted by Dermalogica, and given by Sally Penford of the International Dermal Institute. Sally is an independent skin professional, so wasn’t there to flog the brand {which hardly needs flogging, in fairness} but to address several common assumptions one makes about skin care and the use of product.
Imagine my surprise when we got to the question regarding whether or not everyone should use a night cream. And the answer is…
You don’t have to! But maybe you should!
*Sigh*. That wasn’t much help, thought I… until we began to tease it out.
> Those among us who are young can manage their skin well enough with their usual moisturiser.
> Those among us who are aging, well, they make like to consider adding a night cream to their regime
> The skin does in fact change at night. It’s kicking back from having protected you all day long from UV rays and pollution, easing up, realxing, letting down its guard.
> Since it is chilling out, it takes the opportunity to repair itself from the effects of the UV and the pollution.
> This is therefore an excellent opportunity to help it repair, and refresh, and rejuvenate! The skin is more receptive at night, since it is not on protective alert, so it’s a great time to ‘feed’ it with peptides and anti-oxidants.
>Additionally, if you are afraid of using oils on your face {this is a whole ‘nother post} nighttime is the right time to introduce them into your regime.
Okay, I get this. The thing is, I had been having a mental block about the quality of the two creams, and about the indiscernible difference between them. Turns out, this is the product of a very old sense memory of the old-fashioned, lanolin-laden night creams that ladies used when I was a nipper. These are actually bad for you! Those tubs of Olay, and Noxema {can you smell it?!?!} are in fact, terrible things to slather on the skin — but because I had been using them as mental imagery, and new and improved night creams are lighter in texture, well… let’s just say that the cognitive dissonance was purely emotional, and had no basis in Science.
I’m happy enough to do as Science says in this case, and am seriously delighted to have solved this issue for myself. Now, I’ll be keen to see how the face is looking, the morning after the night before.
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