Did you know that a high quality night cream, when used diligently and consistently, can be at least twice as effective as a day cream?
The reason is simple: During the day, our body has to be alert, in order to cope with the hardships of the daily routine. In the night, however, and especially when we go to sleep, it's the time that our body's natural healing mechanisms are set in motion.
This is especially true about our skin. During the night, our body produces collagen and elastin the most, the two most important proteins which give our skin its firmness and suppleness.
High quality night creams will enhance these natural processes. When you use them night after night over a period, then you will see the improvement in your skin: Fine lines will start disappearing, your wrinkles will be reduced, age spots will start to fade and you will feel and see your skin become softer and suppler.
When I first started looking for a night cream to use for myself, I got really frustrated. There were so many ingredients with fancy names out there, that I was at a loss, not being able to select the most suitable for me.
Finally, I was very happy to find out about a night cream, which had some wonderful ingredients that I used with great success. What made them more convincing in my mind was the fact that they were all tested on human volunteers with impressive results.
I want to share some of these ingredients with you, in the list below:
1) Cynergy TK: This is quite an amazing, breakthrough ingredient. You may not have heard of it yet because it is brand new, pioneered by a New Zealand company. It is basically made of keratin, a very important structural protein to be found in the human and animal tissue.
Studies have shown beyond any doubt that is stimulates production of both collagen and elastin.
After you use a night cream with Cynergy TK in it, you will feel that your skin will regain its youthful elasticity and get rid of that dry, itchy feeling that you might have.
2) Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10: This is a special "nano-emulsion" form of the natural occurring enzyme Coenzyme Q10. This enzyme has the important function of protecting our skin from the harmful UV radiation of the sun, which is one of the primary causes of premature aging. Unfortunately, however, as we get older our body loses its natural ability to produce this enzyme. Nano-Lipobelle will replenish it and thus help our skin stay young and firm.
3) Active Manuka honey: This is another ingredient, which is very essential in high quality night creams. It is a special kind of honey gathered from the manuka bush, a plant indigenous in New Zealand. It is a very potent antioxidant, fighting the damaging free radicals. Its potency is actually multiple times higher than that of the standard honey.
It penetrates the skin very easily and works all though the night, leaving your skin smooth and soft.
These are some of the ingredients that I suggest you should look for in a high quality night cream. Beware however that you will not find these in big name brand products. They are pioneered by niche, skin care companies that primarily distribute their products through the internet.
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